I call her my friend but we’re more than just that
She’d come if I called, at the drop of a hat
She listens and nods for me, I do the same
And all of our troubles float up and away
He left her so fast, though he never meant to
It’s been a long time, she’s somehow gotten through
It’s clear that he loved her, she loved him right back
They rescued each other from those who attack
The children they shared grew up bright, caring, strong
They’d had a foundation for which many long
His spirit still wraps itself round them with love
Their family expands, helped by love from above
Those kids are so lucky to call her their mother
Now partners, a grandchild, know her love’s like no other
She’s quiet and thoughtful, resilient and wise
She’s not always known this, it’s there in her eyes
But slowly this love they all share grows and grows
And finally she sees what the rest of us know
There is no one quite like her, it’s hard to pin down
The feeling you get knowing she is around
Always cheering you on, helping you see your worth
Through her words and her smiles and her hugs – best on earth!
Many don’t see what we all know is there
But then, if they did, would we want to share
Her with all who might come to appreciate her
The way that we do? Hard to say, that’ s for sure.
We love our Pam dearly – mother, nana and friend
Thank heavens she’s with us for ever! (The End)