author · creator · seeker · old soul

Me So Far

Linda Baker

Raised in Victoria, BC with 3 younger brothers. Married in 1980 to Wayne. 38 years on the BC mainland, raising our two kids in Port Moody. Living back in Victoria, life is good: grandkids, new friends, volunteering with the Vic High Alumni, and being with the man whose unconditional love empowered me to do everything I’ve just told you about!

A work in progress – honouring my inner voice, continuing my healing journey

My passions include writing, colour, music, stillness, the arts, dancing, creating, astrology, the intuitive arts, organizing things, being Canadian, emerging quantum physics, my classic roadster, France.

I have designed rooms, chocolates, a chocolate store, clothes, events, communications tools; written articles, books, journals, speeches; practised labour law, taught courses, founded and led community organizations, built a successful business, managed a chocolate factory; won awards for academics, interior design, sales, volunteering; left every job or career – even the high-paid ones – for new challenges and to follow my inner voice.

If I had the power I’d teach breathing mindfulness to all children and everyone, create centers where all healing professionals collaborated for the good of the patient, ensure female energy was represented equally in all decision-making everywhere in the world, melt down all weapons everywhere and use the metal to create public art.

Biggest inspirations – My two grandmothers. Each loved me unconditionally. One always told me, ‘You have a quick mind. You can do anything you put your mind to’, and one showed me the importance of creativity, playfulness, and smiles. And my dad, who overcame challenges and always accepted me as I am.

Biggest challenges – getting my body moving, making time to do all the fun creative things I think up, relearning who I am and overcoming the unintentional trauma of being raised by a clinically diagnosed narcissist, living in duality as our planet transitions to one with more compassion, benevolence, and love.