Nan is back!
Well actually, she never went anywhere. Only her body gave up the ghost – literally. My Nan’s energy is still very present and she loves the book about her and our family. Inspired by her visits to family members after she passed, it’s full of playful, heartwarming stories from three generations, (hers included). Some family secrets are finally revealed, and I share Nan’s own words from beyond the veil. Beautiful Victoria, BC takes center stage, with many historical references from the 1920s onwards. Her passing cracked me wide open, in a good way, and became the catalyst for my current belief that nobody ever really dies.
Buy it. Read it. You’ll feel good and that wonderful energy will radiate and put a smile on your face. Tell people about it. Help me give Nan another chance to spread some love, joy, laughter in the world today. Your review on amazon would help, and if you’ve got death experience stories, I’d love to hear about them for possible inclusion in my next book.
I hope these stories make you smile, make you laugh for a little while.
Please take that joy out into your day. You’ll make a difference along the way.
I hope these stories remind us all that family matters. Please answer the call
To share your stories, the laughter, the tears. Your light will shine brighter, dispelling our fears.
I hope these stories will open your heart to possibilities, that death’s just the start
Of new journeys with loved ones. Just open your eyes, because nobody ever really dies.
PS I’d love to come and speak – to you and your friends, to your organization. No fee. Just the chance to bring a few books along in case anyone wants to purchase one.
$25 – free delivery in Greater Victoria. $30 – to mail anywhere else.
E-transfer to – or phone me – 778-265-9877 – to make arrangements.
Also available on amazon world-wide.